Friday, December 29, 2017

Getting started

With the New Year approaching everyone is looking for the best way to finally get where they want to be. Well I thought I would share a few tips to help you get started.
1. Build confidence with “low-hanging fruit”
When it comes to weight loss, the first step tends to be the hardest one. Make it easier by starting with what some call “low-hanging fruit,” habits that are easily modifiable but can make a big difference in your weight. These habits can include cooking more, the stairs at work, and cutting back on your soda habit.

Starting with these simple switches will do more than get you started; they will help keep you going. Once you start losing weight, people feel more motivated and fired up for continued results. You'll realize that, yes, you can do this.

 It’s confidence that you’re doing the right things.

A simple, gradual approach to help you get moving and create healthy new habits is sometimes the best way to start. By focusing on small changes over time, you can lose the weight and keep it off. Don't look at this journey as just a way to burn calories. This is a journey of self-discovery where you’re encouraged to think about your fitness and nutrition habits, what sets you back, and what it will take to push you forward to a healthier, happier new version of you. And pick up a journal so you can keep a note of these things daily.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Against everything that I know as someone with an Exercise Science education and experience, I weigh myself just about everyday. Yes.... I know this behavior is ridiculous but I do it anyway. So on a morning like this one when I am reminded of why this is such a bad practice when the scale doesn't move. I have to remember to look at the whole picture. Not just the scale.

So I remembered that as I took my clothes off this morning and looked at  my reflection in the mirror; I noticed my waist is smaller, I am getting more of an hour glass shape back. I noticed the fat on my arms is less visible and I noticed that I am stronger.

These are key things to acknowledge because a scale is not a good measure of progress. It is simply one piece of I have said before.

So instead of feeling stuck today or defeated. I will remember that I am not just losing fat, I am replacing it with muscle. Which is much denser and completely reshapes the body in a good way. So keep moving forward, crush your workout and eat clean, as today is another day to harness your inner badass :)

Friday, December 1, 2017

Happy December

Can you believe it is December? Holy cow, it is so exciting. I love the holiday season and it sadly is going to go by so quickly. Before you know it, it will be the new year. I have decided it is time for me to take my fitness to the next level. Haha! I feel like I am always deciding that. First I am going to start the year off with my very first marathon. I am so nervous, yet excited about that. Then I am planning on doing the savage race in March and God willing my second figure show in California in April. I am so crazy, already planning my 2018 goals with more than 30 days left in the year.

But that makes me wonder....have you thought about what you want to achieve for 2018? Have you thought about who you want to become or how you want to challenge yourself? If you haven't, you better start.....or you'll be in the very same place this time next year. Food for thought. ;)