Something I heard over a week ago was on my mind this morning and really bothered me. I woke up with it on my mind and I keep hearing this phrase over and over again "If you are still at the same weight, then we have a problem"...UGH!!! that was like a slap in the face, I keep going back and forth with my weight and I really need to change that. I will do a program and then stop eating right and allow life to get in the way and vacations to compound on top of that until it is completely out of control and I am undoing all of my hard work. What is it about human nature that keeps us going back to old bad habits even after we see the results of change?
I know for a fact that I want to stop this behavior and get to my goal weight already. I know the programs work because I have seen the results. I have learned what do to every day to continue to see results but for some reason I regress over and over again. I have got to change that, I have got to hunker down this fall and winter and get it together. I know engaging in my groups help because it holds me accountable. I know setting goals, one at a time helps because it gives me something to shoot for and a game plan. I know that I can do this because I have seen my potential I just have to dig deep. I just have to find my stride as they say. So where I am going to start is writing that phrase that has bothered me so much on my bathroom mirror so I can see it and repeat it everyday and remember how it made me feel. It bothers me, it makes me feel like she is talking about me. It's like a gut punch you know?!?! Then I will be grabbing Country heat and picking up where I left off and finishing it. Then moving right into the next program and the same thing for October, November and December with the goal being, finally reaching my summer body this winter... Isn't that what they say...that "summer bodies are made in the winter"? Operation Summer body in full effect.
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