I know for me it helps to create a phrase to repeat to myself when I want to slip back into my comfortable ways. Or if I have a number in mind to reach by the end of the week or in some cases the next day, I write it on something that I will see repeatedly all day long. I will verbalize audibly what that goal is and how it will make me feel to reach it. What will that mean in the grand scope of things or better yet, where that accomplishment falls in the steps toward my next milestone in my journey. Does that make sense?
Today, I have a number in my mind that I want to lose. So I am creating a phrase to repeat to myself and I will write -3 on several post it notes and place them all over the house so I see them repeatedly. And every time I see that number I will repeat what it means to me, my goal, my journey and what the next step will be. The great thing about this is after a few days or a week even I am feeling so good and I can see and feel the results. The sheer momentum and feeling of accomplishment is what carries me through and I no longer have to fake it. If you have time today create a visual tool to help keep you focused. Now go have a Marvelous Monday :)
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