Monday, January 23, 2017

It's Monday

Good morning and Happy Monday. It is a new week and I am going to do my best to pull myself out of this funk I have been in and just put one foot in front of the other. A friend of mine was saying to me the other day to watch the words I speak and the energy I am putting out there. If I allow myself to speak too much on how bad I am feeling I will start to become those feelings making it harder for me to experience the joy God has in store for me on a daily basis.
HuH!!! you know she is so right. I am usually so good about being positive and I know the power of negative thinking and energy so I am always a little annoyed with myself when I have to hear this from someone else for me to try to change my thinking and attitude. But you know what, that is normal. We are all human and sometimes we allow life and the way we are feeling to run our lives... and we forget that we don't have to live in that. We forget that we along with God have the power to change how we feel, which in turn changes our outlook on life and many other factors and areas of our day. It's the compound effect all over again.

So today my goal is; for every negative thought or feeling I want to counter act it with something positive. For example, when I think about something I do not feel like doing I will remember that Great and successful people don't always feel like doing the things that made them great. But it was doing those things when they didn't want to that got them to greatness. I will remember for every negative thought or feeling of I can't do something that I also thought I could never get sober or quit smoking cigarettes but I haven't had a drink in almost 3 years or a cigarette in almost 2. That the only limits put on me or my life are put there by me and me only. I have the God given ability to do anything I set my mind to and the opportunity to have a life of abundance, full of love, peace and joy. The only thing stopping me is me :) Happy Monday

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