Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The struggle

Happy Tuesday, man has it been a struggle for me the last couple of weeks. Deaths, separations, and loss. I have been struggling just to keep my head on straight. It actually hasn't really been on straight. I even withdrew from school because I just couldn't focus on my studies. I am just now finding my footing a little bit and creating a life/routine/expectations for myself, my future and my business. I had to get back in to meditation, pray, focusing on God, which is a bit of a struggle in itself sometimes when you don't understand what is going on. And I have turned to my workouts, my fellow coaches and the women in my groups for solace.

 Right now I am doing body beast which I enjoy but it seems like week 3 is when it gets really hard, and that's when people tend to fall off and I know why. Did you know that studies have shown that people who engage in life threatening activities when faced with the decision to change to save their lives made an initial commitment but within a few months had reverted back to the behaviors they knew would kill them. It's a comfort thing, you can be more comfortable in your own familiar discomfort than in the discomfort of change. It's quite frankly easier to be miserable. Sounds like an oxymoron but it's the truth. So what are you going to do today to change what you consider your level of comfort?
Anyways, have a Happy Tuesday and go change your resting comfort level.

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